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Rules & Regulations

  1. The name of the Society shall be ‘Pakistan Society of Sugar Technologists' herein after called ‘The Society'.
  2. The Society shall consist of Honorary Members, Members, Associate Members and Affiliate Members.
  3. The affairs of the Society shall be directed by (a) the General body and (b) the Executive Committee.
  4. The official year of the Society shall be from 1st January to 31st December.
  5. The Society shall be a non–profit organization.
  1. To help in advancing the Science and practice of Sugar Technology, Sugar Cane, Sugar Beet Agriculture and Manufacture of various by product of Sugar Industry.
  2. To promote and encourage research in Sugar Technology and in Sugar Cane, Sugar Beet Agriculture and Allied Industries.
  3. To help and promote the growth of the local Engineering Industry for the fabrication of machinery for the Sugar Industry.
  4. To organize conventions, seminars & symposia in Sugar Technology, Sugar Cane/Sugar Beet Agriculture and in the manufacture of byproducts to provide opportunities for exchange of knowledge amongst its members.
  5. To collect technical data of all sugar mills and circulate the same to all members at regular intervals to keep them informed about the working of the SugarIndustry in Pakistan.
  6. To publish proceeding of Conventions, Meetings and Seminars.
  7. To ensure a high standard of professional etiquette and to help safeguard the interest of members.
  8. To raise and administer funds, grants and endowment for the realization of its objects.
  9. To help Sugar Organizations in the recruitment of the technical staff for their projects.
  10. To offer technical assistance and advice to organizations.
  1. There shall be 5 classes of members:
    1. Honorary Fellow Members.
    2. Members
    3. Associate Members
    4. Affiliate Members
    5. Organization Members
  2. Qualification
    1. Honorary/Fellow Members
      1. The Executive Committee may elect any person as Honorary/Fellow Member who in its opinion has attained an eminent position in sugar technology or in an allied field. The membership would be open for persons having outstanding contribution for the cause of Sugar Industry & Allied Sciences.
    2. Members
      1. A candidate for membership at time of application shall be actively engaged or associated in the manufacture of sugar and its by-products or designing and production of machinery for the above research in Sugar Technology or Sugar Cane or Beet Agriculture and shall have the following qualifications:
        • Diploma or a certificate in Sugar Technology or at least a Bachelor of Science or Agriculture or a degree or a certificate in any branch of Engineering or a First Class Boiler Engineer Certificate.
        • A minimum experience of eight years in Sugar or Allied industries
    3. Associate Members
      1. Qualification same as for member and experience less then five years.
    4. Affilated Members
      1. A candidate actively engaged or associated with Sugar or Allied industries.
    5. Organization Members
      1. All Sugar Factories, Sugar Mills Machinery Manufacturers, Financial Institutions, Research Institutes, Universities, Machinery Importers and Allied Companies are eligible to become Organization Member.
Fees & Subscription

Entrance fees & annual subscriptions for various classes of members will be fixed according to the financial requirement of the Society and will change from time to time. The Executive Committee will be recommending the amount and it will be approved by the General Body.
On transfer from one category to another, the member will pay the difference in the entrance fees and the subscription for the grade at the time of transfer during a calendar year, provided he has already paid his dues for his category before such transfer.
The annual subscription will be due on 1st January in each year, for the year then beginning and will be payable up to 31st January of the same year.

Cessation of Membership
  1. If the dues of any category of member are in arrears for more than two financial years, he will cease to be a member. He may, however, be eligible for readmission after the payment of the arrears and fresh entrance fee.
  2. Any member committing gross professional misconduct in the opinion of the Executive Committee or convicted for moral turpitude shall cease to be a member.
Honorary Officers of the Society
  1. The following officers of the Society shall be elected from amongst members of the Society:
    • President
    • Three Vice Presidents (one each for Agriculture, Engineering and Process)
    • General Secretary/Treasurer
  2. The Tenure of Officers:
    An officer from the above offices will hold office for two years and may be reelected to the office but not more than two consecutive terms.


  • He should be a member of PSST.
  • He should have been a member of the Executive Committee of PSST.
  • He should be at least graduate in Science or Engineering or Agriculture.
  • He should have about twenty years of experience of serving the Sugar Industry.
  • He should have to his credit at least three Research papers published in the annual Proceedings of PSST or in any other International Magazine.

Duties & Powers

  • He shall have power to convene meeting of General Body or the Executive Committee and shall preside over them. If present, he will also preside over lecture and other functions of the Society. He may nominate any other person to preside over lecture and other function.
  • He shall in consultation with the General Secretary order payment for services procured or expenditure incurred for the Society subject to any limitation imposed by the executive committee.
Vice President


  • He should be a member of PSST.
  • He should have been a member of the Executive Committee of PSST.
  • He should be at least graduate in Science or Engineering or Agriculture.
  • He should have about twenty years of experience of serving the Sugar Industry.
  • He should have to his credit at least two Research papers published in the annual Proceedings of PSST or in any other International Magazine.

Duties & Powers

  • He shall act as Chairman of duly convened meetings in the absence of the President and as Acting President on being authorized by the President. He shall in general assist the President
General Secretary-cum-Treasurer


  • He should be a member of PSST.
  • He should have been a member of the Executive Committee of PSST.
  • He should be at least graduate in Science or Engineering or Agriculture.
  • He should have about fifteen years of experience of serving the Sugar Industry.
  • He should have to his credit at least two Research papers published in the annual Proceedings of PSST or in any other International Magazine.

Duties & Powers

  • He will be responsible for the efficient execution of affairs of the Society.
  • He will act as Secretary at all business meetings of the Society, However, in his absence a member nominated by the President, will do the work.
  • He will maintain an orderly record of the proceedings of all meetings held on behalf of the Society.
  • He may incur expenditure up to Rs. 5000.00 for routine office requirements and in connection with the meetings.
  • He will present the report of activities for approval at the Executive Committee before the annual convention for presenting to the Executive Committee.
  • He will furnish information to member and officers as required.
  • He will keep accounts of the funds of the Society and maintain necessary book for the purpose.
  • He will make payments authorized by the Executive Committee or President.
  • He will prepare a balance sheet along with an audit report and present it to the Executive Committee at a meeting before the annual convention. The balance sheet shall be published separately and circulated among the members of the Society.
  • He will collect dues from members of the Society
Filling Vacancies During Term
  1. In case there is a vacancy of the office of the president, the Vice President or the General Secretary will become the President after approval of the Executive Committee.
  2. The vacancies in the office of the Vice President, General Secretary may be filled from amongst members by the President on the approval of the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of :
    • The President.
    • All past Presidents of the Society.
    • The Vice Presidents, General Secretary, one member from each mill to be elected by the members of that mill, a General Manager or equivalent from each sugar mills and one member from each Sugar Cane Sugar Beet recognized research Unit.
    • The member shall hold office for two years and may be re-elected.
    • Fifteen members will from a quorum at meeting.
    • The Executive Committee shall:
      • Be the governing body of the Society and shall deal with all matters of policy. It shall conduct and manage all business affairs of the Society.
      • Consider proposals for the Office Bearers of the Society for election for the next term in the annual convention and submit its recommendations to the General Body.
      • Frame budget and review resources of the Society from time to time.
      • Approve the annual report and balance sheet before presenting it the annual convention.
      • Fill casual vacancies occurring amongst the officers of the Society and members of Executive Committee.
      • Make arrangement for the annual convention.
      • Maintain relations with other fraternal societies by exchange of publications and delegates.
      • Delegate its powers to a committee specifically appointed for the purpose if necessary.
    • The President of the Society shall be ex-officio President of the Committee and the Secretary, the Secretary of the committee. In absence of both the President and the Vice President, the members will elect their Chairman. In absence of the Secretary one of the members will record its proceedings.
    • In an emergency, the views of members on a matter may be obtained by circulation and put up to the President and will from proceedings of the Committee.
Election of Office Bearers and the Members of the Executive Committe.
  1. Election all office bearers of the Society shall be held in the last business session of the annual convention from among the members of the Society.
  2. Any Person being a member of any category for the past three years shall be eligible to vote.
  3. Each proposal made by a member shall have to be seconded by another member otherwise it will not be considered.
  4. Voting shall be by secret ballot. The Chairman’s Decision on the count of votes shall be final. In the event of equality of votes the Chairman of the session shall be entitled to a casting vote
  1. A convention will be held as far as practicable every year. The date and venue of this convention will be decided in the previous convention in its last business session or in a subsequent meeting of the Executive Committee.
  2. All decision in a meeting will be made by the majority of those present.
  3. Meetings of the Executive Committee will require seven days notice excepting an emergency.
Amendment in the Rules and Regulations of the Society
  1. Amendment in the Rules and Regulations of the Society can be proposed by Executive Committee Meeting by a 2/3rd majority of those present but these will have to be approved by the majority of members in a General Body meeting.
Funds of the Society
  1. The funds shall consist of fees and subscriptions of all categories and endowments and any other income.
  2. All amount received will be deposited in a bank approved by the Executive Committee.
  3. The Bank Account shall be operated jointly by the President and General Secretary.
  4. The General Secretary shall acknowledge all sums of money paid to the Society.
  5. The General Secretary may keep RS: 5000/- to meet day to day expenses of the Society.
  6. The account of the Society shall be audited annually by an auditor appointed by the Executive Committee.